Makota Shinkai - A theatrical anime visionThe Cinematic Canvas of Makoto Shinkai: A Director's Vision In the world of animation, few names are as synonymous with breathtaking...
CODE GEASS : THE UNEXPECTED ENDING( IN A GOOD SENSE )The ending of "Code Geass" is often hailed as one of the most beautifully executed and satisfying conclusions in anime history. It's a...
BERSERK : CANT COME UP WITH ANOTHER TITLE FOR ITThe Abyssal Depths of Berserk: A Journey Through Darkness and Depth In the realm of dark fantasy, few works have managed to capture the...
ODA Having fun Unveiling the Hidden Treasures: 20 Easter Eggs in One Piece Anime The grand adventure of “One Piece” is not just about the thrilling...
intresting isnt it?? - NarutoExploring the Hidden Leaves: Rare Facts About Naruto Shippuden “Naruto Shippuden,” the sequel to the beloved anime “Naruto,” has...
" DRUMS OF LIBERATION " BIRTH OF THE LEGENDERY MUSICThe origin of the music of the Drums of Liberation in One Piece is unknown. However, there are a few theories about where it might have...